moment of zen
I’m a Buddhist. It’s a pretty new development for me! I grew up Catholic but I was never very good at it. I’ve spent the last 20+ years as an …
make it better don't give up
I’m a Buddhist. It’s a pretty new development for me! I grew up Catholic but I was never very good at it. I’ve spent the last 20+ years as an …
I talked to my mom earlier this week. She’s the director of a professional organization that is starting to lose steam. She’s led the organization for decades through highs and …
What’s in a name? Somehow I’m the first writer to ask that question. Think about it: if we called a rose something else, would that name change how it smells? …
“As president,” Kamala Harris announced in the throes of her presidential campaign. “I’ll establish a student loan debt forgiveness program,” she wrote. “For Pell Grant recipients,” she added. “Who start …
Nod if this has happened to you before (full disclosure: I can’t see you). You might strike up a conversation with a coworker about rent prices. They’re too high!…
Back in January, I decided to read in a different way this year. I would cast a wide net for the books I want to read, but choose with care …
What a year 2022 was. I launched my own business! I got covid and the flu. My grandmother and then my cat Waffles passed away. I’ve gotten older and hopefully …
I hate being othered! My brown skin is often the first thing a person notices about me. I was once in the office (when people worked in offices together) talking to a friend (when people did that too)…
I had the pleasure of writing a blog post with my friend and former colleague Sarah Benner-Kenagy. We wrote about Transformational Capacity Building for Community-Centric Fundraising. CCF is one of …
During the covid pandemic, service providers had to be in a lot of places, fast. We couldn’t rely on traditional models if we wanted to reach the people hardest hit …