like a broken record
My colleague Clara and I were facilitating a meeting that was long overdue. The participants were there to solve a problem that was also long overdue. One participant explained, with …
make it better don't give up
My colleague Clara and I were facilitating a meeting that was long overdue. The participants were there to solve a problem that was also long overdue. One participant explained, with …
I’ve been writing here on be the future for four years! I have written nearly 200 posts since I started blogging in 2019. Over the years, these posts have helped …
I read more books this year than I have in a long time. Four more books than last year, about one every two weeks. Books are usually an escape for …
“Kluge” is originally a german word that means “clever one”—or a scottish word that means “toilet.” To most english speakers, a kluge is not usually a good thing. It’s something …
I had a situation gnawing at me for the better part of a year. I was working with a group for several months and had a good rapport with almost everyone. One person in particular was stirring conflict in ways I struggled to respond to. He was dismissive of my approach and methods. He…
I’m taking the week off from writing. We’re barreling towards the holiday season and I’m tired of barreling! Hope you enjoy some links that I appreciated reading. Should America Keep …
This is step 3 in my series on how to create a cooperative. In step 1, I assembled a group of potential cooperative members. We started to lay the groundwork …
As I get older, I’ve become more conscientious about the footprints that I leave behind. For example: I started letting my hair grow longer recently and needed a new comb. …
I’m busy with work and life this week. No new essay today as I try to stay caught up with my assignments. I have been working on something special, though! …