playing favorites 2023
we're all supposed to try
i have always loved trying to understand systems, and the systems that built those systems. i spend a lot of time thinking about how to get there from here. I own/consult at futureemergent.com.
we're all supposed to try
“Kluge” is originally a german word that means “clever one”—or a scottish word that means “toilet.” To most english speakers, a kluge is not usually a good thing. It’s something that can do the job even if it wasn’t put together well or isn’t really right
This post is narrated! listen below… I had a situation gnawing at me for the better part of a year. I was working with a group for several months and had a good rapport with almost everyone. One person in particular was stirring conflict in ways I struggled to respond
I’m taking the week off from writing. We’re barreling towards the holiday season and I’m tired of barreling! Hope you enjoy some links that I appreciated reading. Should America Keep Celebrating Thanksgiving? by Sean Sherman and Chase Iron Eyes You want to give thanks? Give thanks to
start the future
This is step 3 in my series on how to create a cooperative. In step 1, I assembled a group of potential cooperative members. We started to lay the groundwork for establishing our purpose. In step 2, our fictional members assigned tasks for us to learn more about the niches
As I get older, I’ve become more conscientious about the footprints that I leave behind. For example: I started letting my hair grow longer recently and needed a new comb. I bought one made from bamboo instead of plastic. Every time I handle something made of plastic, I fret
My extended family was very social when I was growing up. The Sri Lankan community in Austin, Texas is one of the largest outside of the island itself. Once or twice a month someone in the community would throw a dinner party at their house. These were nothing like the
I’m busy with work and life this week. No new essay today as I try to stay caught up with my assignments. I have been working on something special, though! I started narrating some of my favorite posts from be the future. There’s an embedded recording on each
I’ve been thinking about Nat Turner’s Rebellion for the past week or so. Imagining the sticky late summer of 1831 in Virginia, an hour’s drive west of Virginia Beach. Learning more about Nat Turner and the brave people who joined with him. How he struck out against
How do organizations change? Why is it that most organizations can set goals for racial justice and then never achieve them? What’s so difficult about doing things in different ways? Equity filters can be clunky. They can be hard to integrate into an existing decision-making process. I want action
Last week I was in Yakima for the annual Washington Food Coalition conference. I spent three very full days learning, talking, laughing, and (of course) eating well. On the last day, I ran into a friend/former coworker of mine. I think of him like a little brother in the
So many people want to do the right thing. With enough awareness, we start to see the world of injustices embedded around us. We might think, “all I need to do is get a bunch of friends together and we can change the system!” Lots of people, including me at