welcome to be the future

welcome to be the future
photo caption: the sun surrounded by evening clouds sets over the Indian ocean. waves lap gently against a beach that's near out of frame. three palm trees in silhouette separate us from the water. the pacific northwest is cold and icy today. it's hard to believe that the same sun in that photo is the one above me now. the only difference is perspective. sixty degrees of perspective.

Hello there. If this is your first time here, welcome to be the future. If you’ve been here before, I’ve made a few changes recently. My excellent pal Christina redesigned my website! I can’t wait to share more about her process and our work together sometime soon.

I had a great conversation with my friend Clara recently. They host a podcast, Intersectionality in the Diaspora, with their friend Melo. Clara and I spoke about being people of color in predominately white institutions. I’ve written before about PWIs and the role they play in the support of and the oppression of BIPOCs. Some of that work came about because of our conversation together. The podcast is embedded below, or by clicking here.

I hope you find our conversation thought-provoking, affirming, or even challenging. If you’d like to read more on this theme, here are a few posts where the podcast served as inspiration.

the real villain
just stay alive

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