why would we write policies based on extremes?

why would we write policies based on extremes?
a photo of a palm tree and a trunk in silhouette practicing physical distancing across an artificially blue sky. a bird in flight is flapping to someplace else. the bird hasn't been confined to its house for ten days now, i can tell you that much.

I recently listened to an episode of a podcast called Activist Class, where they interviewed one of my heroes, Nikkita Oliver. Nikkita talks about the new youth jail in Seattle. They point out that “it was designed to be the nicest public building that kids of color might access.” What if we invested in communities, rather than paying any price to “solve” their problems?

While I’m buried under COVID-19 response, I thought I would share. Here’s my favorite quote from them:

“Why not write our policies based on the world that we would want to see, as opposed to the world that we’re afraid of?”

Please check it out!

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